I am a London-based Digital PR/Social Media/SEO Consultant, music producer/anorak, deep sea diver, avid cyclist, worldwide traveller and football-loving technology bod! This page functions as a kind of online scrapbook/resource featuring my favourite blog posts and news items as well as my own personal reviews and recommendations in the worlds of music, sport, travel and technology!

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

This week's Social Media news so far...

Tweeting pols and MySpace layoffs

June 23, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Social Media continues to exert its influence in the political world. The number of MPs with a major Twitter habit, sometimes Tweeting from inside the chamber, was evident last night as the results of the House of Commons Speaker elections were delivered live throughout the evening in 140-character news breaks.

Staying close to home, there is more recession doom and gloom as MySpace announced this morning it plans to lay off 300 of its 450 non-U.S. employees. Offices in London, Berlin and Sydney remain, but Spain, Italy, Canada, Russia, Sweden (to name a few) are being shut down, TechCrunch adds.

and, finally, those of you interested in the Facebook v. Google debate could do worse than read Fred Vogelstein’s in-depth feature in Wired magazine.

Goodbye Google

June 23, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Few software engineers get around quite like Kevin Marks. The Harrow-born programmer / blogger / open standards advocate announced on his blog on Monday that he’s leaving Google. His next stop? Destination unknown. But Brand Republic reports, Marks will “continue to work on open web standards — something he spent a lot of time working on at Google, through projects such as OpenID, which allows users to have a single log-in to a variety of web services.” By our count, Marks is now an ex-Apple/BBC/Technorati and now Google engineer.

“Best Job” lands a Lion

June 23, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Tourism Queensland’s “best job in the world” campaign to find a caretaker for an Australian paradise island has scooped the two top awards at the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival, The Guardian reports. It’s been a big year for Nitro, the agency behind the campaign. Last week, Sapient acquired the 300-head Nitro Group for a cool $50 million, Adweek reports.

Tweetdeck or Seesmic Destop?

Just been having a think and it seems that I've got a Twitter crisis on my hands! 

Tweetdeck or Seesmic Destop? Which do you prefer?


Last week, after an initial four-month romance with Tweetdeck, I decided to jump ship by installing Seesmic Desktop to compare which of the two might best-serve my long-term Twitter needs - whether for personal or professional use. On initial impressions, the search functions are obviously more advanced on Tweetdeck whereas Seemic Destop seems more easily customisable with several ‘drag-and-drop’ capabilities that I found very useful/practical.


Although one of the main advantages to Seesmic Desktop is that it let’s you manage multiple Twitter accounts, I started to miss the simplicity of Tweetdeck as well as the Facebook integration button and the option to select Twitscoop, 12 seconds and Stocktwits which I read regularly. For a more in-depth comparison on the two platforms, go here:

