I am a London-based Digital PR/Social Media/SEO Consultant, music producer/anorak, deep sea diver, avid cyclist, worldwide traveller and football-loving technology bod! This page functions as a kind of online scrapbook/resource featuring my favourite blog posts and news items as well as my own personal reviews and recommendations in the worlds of music, sport, travel and technology!

Friday, 8 January 2010

Last day in Na Trang

Today was my last day in Na Trang so I decided to take a break from the withering sun and indulge in a mud bath (as you do!) up in the mountains. The process was really quite simple:

  1. Take shower
2. Lie in mudbath for 30 minutes and feel like a pig in shit
3. Sunbathe so the mud containing all of the natural minerals dry's on your skin
4. Take a mineral water jacuzzi for 30 minutes
5. Feel guilty for the rest of the day for living like a millionaire when the whole of Vietnam are so poor

  Nevertheless, the feeling afterwards was of total relaxation and I'd recommend it to anyone who's never tried it before

  On the way back I met a really nice kiwi girl called Margot and invited her out for a few drinks and dinner in the evening with my diving instructor buddy Ross who I'd agreed to meet, his mate Matt from the UK who'd quit his job as a Marketing Manger in Spain to go and become and diving instructor and another guy Stef - a hippie from Portland in Oregon who shared the same music tastes as me and had just that day done a deep 70 metre dive to complete his Dive Master qualification.

  It was a top night that ended up at a rave on the beach until 4am and I was woken at 7am the next morning to take a bus to Dalat in the mountains


Posted via email from Jeremy Lloyd Travel Diaries

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