I am a London-based Digital PR/Social Media/SEO Consultant, music producer/anorak, deep sea diver, avid cyclist, worldwide traveller and football-loving technology bod! This page functions as a kind of online scrapbook/resource featuring my favourite blog posts and news items as well as my own personal reviews and recommendations in the worlds of music, sport, travel and technology!

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

BBC News linking policy

BBC News linking policy: "

This is just a quick post to invite you to head over to The Editors blog at BBC News.

Why? Because Steve Herrmann is asking for your views on how BBC News links to other websites:

The BBC Strategy Review recently unveiled by director general Mark Thompson set as one of its goals a major increase in outbound links from the BBC website - a doubling of the number of 'click-throughs' to external sites from 10 million to 20 million a month by 2013... Elsewhere, there has been a detailed debate, specifically about how we link to articles in scientific journals. If you want to catch up with that, it's been taking place at Ben Goldacre's tumblelog and in Paul Bradshaw's post at the Online Journalism Blog... So for various reasons it feels like high time to take stock.

So, please do join in.

Nick Reynolds is Social Media Executive, BBC Online, BBC FM&T


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